Payter and Creditcall worked on a number of succesful projects. Payter uses the Creditcall EMV Kernel and CAF having a relationship with Creditcall asked them for advice. Credit call invited us to provide the terminals which were proven technology for Creditcall. Because of that it was possible to work in close collaboration and move fast on the POC.

The 100 day proof of concept was carried out in London, both with the traditional street collections and unattended collection tins in the Costa Coffee locations in London. The contactless collection tins were based on a traditional collection tin shaker design with the contactless plate on top. This tin was designed in conjunction with the Royal Collega of Art.
According to Visa Europe Collab: “The results were incredibly positive, the service was fast and easy and th
e people we spoke to found it an intuitive and practical way to donate. We’ve now handed the successful proof of concept back to the main Visa Europe business where it will go through further incubation, prioritization and market testing”.